Link: The business intelligence scorecard
One way I like to think about the different aspects of “business intelligence” is as an organizational scorecard. It helps to maintain a mental model of what you’re doing and why when prioritizing investments of time or money.
On this scorecard, the rows represent analytical competencies of growing sophistication from top to bottom. I classify these competencies as:
- Instrumentation / Warehousing – can you measure things, and can you store that data in a clean, retrievable format?
- Reporting – can you get the data out of your warehouse and into the hands of people who can use it?
- Analytics – can you add value to raw data with analytics, benchmarks, etc.?
- Strategic Impact – do the results of your data and analysis impact the direction of the organization in a meaningful, accretive way?
The columns represent different functional areas of relevance to your organization. For our purposes, I use ‘Application Health/Ops’, ‘Support’, ‘Financial’, ‘Marketing’, ‘Retention’, and ‘Product Usage’. This taxonomy isn’t completely clean, and there’s some overlap, but they’re roughly distinct areas.
When you draw this grid out, you end up with something that looks like the below.
We’ve used this approach several times with this site, as we’ve built it up, we’ve stopped and looked at the various factors too see where everything scores..
It’s something everyone should look at if they’re involved in some kind of startup..
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