We grab your timezone via a cookie when you first sign up, but if you have cookies turned off, then that doesn’t work well
So today, we have added the ability to change your timezone from your user settings page.
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We grab your timezone via a cookie when you first sign up, but if you have cookies turned off, then that doesn’t work well
So today, we have added the ability to change your timezone from your user settings page.
We’ve just sent our new set of mobile apps out to our beta testers and we are excited about it.
We are about to launch a new iPhone, iPad and android app for all our users to enjoy
As our first profile of users using TheInterviewr, we’re featuring Bryan Young, who writes for the Huffington Post.
I use TheInterviewr to interview very cool people and play back the interviews so I can transcribe them or use the interviews in pieces of news stories.
Here’s an interview I did with the man in charge of DC Comics using TheInterviewr: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bryan-young/batman-earth-one_b_1632766.html
Here’s another one I did with the world’s premiere media theorist Douglas Rushkoff: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bryan-young/douglas-rushkoff_b_1220989.html
We quietly launched TheInterviewr and it quickly grew as people discovered it and found a use for it..
It’s been a great year, and year 2 promises even more fun
We’ve just added TheInterviewr as a bookmark in the Google Chrome Web Store, so you can now access us that much faster.
New users can now choose to either create an account, or sign in automatically with their existing google account (gmail).
This is handy for users who want to keep one unified login everywhere, and has been requested for a while, so finally got added today.
The original iPhone app for TheInterviewr was built in partnership with another company that uses our API to do the work.
We’ve been working on our own inhouse android app ourselves in the past couple months, and have decided to move the TheInterviewr iPhone app inhouse as well.
This will give us more control over the app, as well as let us add new features such as managing your contacts, etc.
We will also be making the new app iPad friendly as well for everyone to enjoy.
Our goal with this is to make everyone’s experience more enjoyable and usable, as always.
It’s gonna be a fun summer over here so thanks for joining us.
We’ve been hard at work on a few new projects over here, the first is TheInterviewr desktop app for Mac OS X currently… We’re working on one for Windows as well..
Click here to download it, and let us know what you think. This app is a wrapper for the website, so you will see everything you are used to, just not in the browser.
Note: This is very beta, so please bear with us and let us know of any bugs you find
We’ve just pushed a small update so that now.. if an interview gets reset due to not being completed.. You will get refunded the 30 cents (or 20 cents for subscribers) you were charged for the call.
That way, you’re not paying for calls that, for whatever reason, didn’t actually complete, due to the other party not answering, or any other reason that may come up.
This month marks my wedding anniversary, mother’s day, and the ending of spring and warming up towards summer, so with that in mind, We’re making May 2-4-1 month.
For the rest of this month, any deposit made to your accounts, will get you the same amount credited to your account.
So a $5 dollar deposit will get you $10 dollars
Just a way of saying thank you to our users who have helped grow TheInterviewr